Sunday, January 6, 2008

Week Two- Day One and Two and THREE!

Day One:
Still going strong. Week two is definitly a step up, from last week. I can do it though, this week will be fine, but I am getting scared for what comes after that. At this point, I still can't wrap my head around being able to RUN three miles. I can't even imagine it at this point, but... It will come. Right? i just have to keep truckin'. So... Here is to WEEK TWO-DAY ONE: DONE! I don't think I will ever get tired of saying that!
And, I am wondering... When I first start out everyday, I almost always think, Oh' Man, this IS NOT FUN, but by the end of the work out, I am LOVING it and when I am finished, I can't wait to get to the next work out. Does anyone else feel this way?
Working on just remembering how good it feels when it is over, and not dreading it. It is only the first couple of minutes, that I feel tired and, unmotivated, but it goes away, and I love it.
Just wondering. Week Two - Day One: DONE!

Day Two:
Felt better than ever!
Looking forward to day three!
Day Two-DONE!



Angela said...

Oh man I hate getting out there but once I am out there I am loving it!

Michelle said...

you are helping get me pumped up to get on that treadmill tonight!

Kristie said...

I'm the same! The first five minutes is not so great but once my body wakes up it is AWESOME! I love the accomplishment of it!

Not too sore today so feeling good about that!

Kristie said...

Wohoo!! See you tomorrow night!!