Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I have been sicker than H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS, for three days now.
I started out with a bad head cold and sore throught, then later that night ended up with the pukey kind-of flu. Seriously it has been quite awhile since I have felt half this sick. And, the worst part... I am stressed out because now I am behind on my training schedule. (I do feel so official calling it my "training" schedule) :) Anyway... Remember that Sunday, I felt like I was going to collapse by the end, and that was my last day.
I am WAY anal. WAY. Like, now I feel like I blew the whole dang thing. Tomorrow is only Thursday, so I suppose I could still fit in two more workouts by Saturday, but I can't even imagine what it would do my my body to run right now. Grrrrrrrrrr. What to do, What to do.
Maybe just shoot for Friday and Saturday, and hope I am feeling up to it by then?but I know it is best to rest a day in between, and that would put me running three days in a row to stay on track, because my 4th week SHOULD start on Sunday. Grrrr. Grrrr. Grrrrr.
I know, maybe I will just wake up tomorrow with all the snot out of my stuffy head, and feeling all better. Maybe I will just have more energy when I wake up in the morning, than ever. Maybe I will just do my 5K tomorrow and skip all this "training". Who needs it anyway?
O.K... apparently I am delusional. so I better get to BED!


Kristie said...

Okay CRAZY girl calm down!;)

Don't run three days in a could just end up injurying yourself and get further behind...

get better soon!

Michelle said...

My kids have had this crap this week! I think I have been fighting it on a low level... just keeping my head up. I am slacking on this running I am visiting your blogs to get excited about it again.