Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So, I guess I am starting over for the 5millionth time.

So, 30 and running in 2008... It happened. Just not to the extent that I was hoping for.
So, my original plan for this blog was to document my journey from Couch to 5K. And, that's where the part that didn't happen comes in to play.

So, here's what happened. It got hard.
I got frustrated. I got discouraged. I gave up.

It was just about this time last year that I first started this journey.

I got back on my treadmill tonight. I made a new, "safer" plan, for 2009.

Here's the deal.

I plan to-
Follow the Couch to 5K plan, but adapt it, a little bit. So, if a week is hard, or if I don't feel ready to move up to the next step, I will just stay in the current week, until it feels easier and more comfortable for me.
I plan to get on my treadmill AT LEAST 3 times every week, even if it is just to walk.

So, there you have it. Again.
I know you're probably rolling your eyes and saying "yeah, right!" I know. And, I feel the same way. But, here I go again. Better to start and do a little bit, than nothing at all.

Today I walked/ran for-
27 minutes. 1.75 miles. 201.5 calories.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm here... you are doing better than me! :)