Monday, September 22, 2008

Back In The Game

Today, my attitude is in the gutter. What I really, really want to do is take a warm shower, go to bed and cover up in my warm snuggly bed, and sleep the night away.
But I made a chioce. I started Weight Watchers again, on Friday. I have gained back all but just a few of the 30 pounds I lost last year.
Today I made a choice instead of covering up in my bed, to get on my treadmill. It was hard. It was hard to push start, and it was hard to keep going once I did. It is much harder this time around, because when I started the Couch 2 5K program before, I was almost 25 pounds lighter.
It is harder to run when you need to lose 40 pounds.
Anyway, I am recommitted to following my Weight Watchers plan. I want to lose about 38 pounds, and I hope to do this by Valentines Day.
I am also going to try to use my treadmill 3 times a week. I don't have a real definite plan for that yet, still trying to decide what I want to do. I messed up one of my knees pretty good somewhere along the line, and I am not sure that I want to put the strain on them at this point. Today, I followed day one, and I am thinking about following the program, but a bit slower than it is laid out. Mostly because I am heavier, and more out of shape and I would rather ease into it, instead of getting burned out. So... I am pretty sure that there isn't anyone that still checks in here, and that is fine with me... But I do plan to keep up with this a bit, just for myself.
We will see where this takes me. I am pretty down, that I am starting all over. But.... Here I go!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I will read it. :) Go girl!